Citrus Heights, CA

Focused on our mission:

Helping people become and continually grow as disciples of Jesus Christ

  • We live as missionaries in our communities, workplaces, schools, etc. We seek to be real, living authentic, Christ-like lives that will be witnesses of God’s love and truth. We strive to truly understand the culture around us so we can effectively communicate and live out the gospel wherever we are.
  • We want everything we do to be well-organized and done with excellence, but our priority remains what is most edifying spiritually, rather than what is entertaining or impressive.
  • We follow the consistent New Testament emphasis on teaching in the church. Our standard for all ministries is what best facilitates real learning and spiritual growth, rather than what is impressive or entertaining.
  • We’re driven to provide opportunities for genuine learning and spiritual growth for every age and level of spiritual maturity—from young children or non-Christian seekers to experienced believers who are biblically knowledgeable, and everyone in between. Each Christian should be actively growing as a disciple of Christ.
  • Every believer is spiritually gifted and has an important part to play in the transforming, multiplying life of the church. We help each other understand our gifting, provide training to develop our areas of gifting and opportunities to use our gifts to love and edify others.
  • The whole body does the work of ministry, not just the leaders. We maintain a joyous expectation that every Christian is a part of ministry, and make sure we aren’t just filling empty ministry slots, but serving according to our gifting and passion. Active, loving service is an integral part of the discipleship process.
  • We’re faithful to provide substantive, effective, ongoing training and equipping for leaders and teachers in the church. This too is a vital part of the church’s discipleship process.
  • We intentionally foster a culture of discipleship (including evangelism) in the church. This is a natural, organic part of everything we do, whether through structured classes or more relationally through informal fellowship.
  • We design our church gatherings and ministries in ways that most effectively produce real learning, real spiritual growth and real disciples of Christ. We’re willing to reevaluate and change anything we do to make us more effective at fulfilling this vital, biblical purpose.