Citrus Heights, CA

Qualifications for Pastors

Since our church body is considering adding another pastor to our pastoral team, it might be helpful for us to post these qualifications for the elders or pastors, who shepherd the whole church, compiled from 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9:

Desire to serve: The desire to serve by shepherding or pastoring the church is an honorable one from God (see 1 Peter 5:1-3). Pastors who serve without a God-given desire won’t serve with their whole heart.

Above reproach or blameless: This doesn’t mean being perfect, but having a clean moral and spiritual reputation. There should be no current charge against any of the pastors’ character that would disqualify them from service.

Faithful to his wife: Literally a one-woman man. This doesn’t mean pastors must be married. But, if they are, they must be physically and mentally faithful to their spouse. They are above reproach in their sexual and marital life.

Exercising self-control: This describes people who are stable, clear-headed and demonstrate balanced judgment. Also those who aren’t overly indulgent in their personal lives.

Living wisely, disciplined: Those who aren’t rash, hasty or excessive in their decisions or actions. People who can finish what they start.

Loves what is good: Those who are attracted to what is good, wholesome and edifying rather than to what is perverse and corrupt.

Just: Those who are honest, law-abiding and upright.

Devout: Those who are strongly committed to God and his Word and who will not compromise biblical truth.

Having a good reputation or respectable: They present themselves well. They have orderly, well-arranged lives.

Enjoys having guests in his home: Genuinely welcoming people, those who enjoy welcoming others into their homes.

Able to teach, has a strong belief in the trustworthy message [of Scripture], able to encourage others with wholesome or sound teaching and show those who oppose it where they are wrong: This doesn’t mean pastors must have the gift of teaching. However, those who shepherd the church must know the Word of God and be able to instruct others at some level: large groups, small groups or one-on-one.

Not a heavy drinker: This doesn’t mean pastors can never drink alcohol, but if they do drink they should do so in moderation. A pastor must not have a drinking problem or practice drunkenness.

Not violent or quick-tempered, but gentle: Not easily provoked, irritable or ready to resort to force. Not a “hothead” or someone with a serious problem with anger. People who are able to graciously yield, when appropriate, even though they’re being wronged. Those who don’t insist on their rights.

Not quarrelsome: People who are peacemakers. Those who don’t start arguments and aren’t eager to jump into them.

Not arrogant: Not overbearing, intimidating or hard to approach. Considerate of the opinions and feelings of others. Not headstrong or self-assertive.

Doesn’t love money, and not dishonest with money: Not greedy or overly focused on financial gain. Not controlled by a desire for a better lifestyle, but people who are generally content. Those who won’t manipulate people or situations for personal gain.

Manages his own family well, having children who respect and obey him, and his children don’t have a reputation for being wild or rebellious: This doesn’t mean pastors must have children, but if they do, they must be responsible parents and providers. They must be aware of the condition and behavior of their children. They must be able to provide proper discipline when necessary. They aren’t required to have perfect children, but their children should be well-behaved and responsive to their parents’ leadership.

Not a new believer: An experienced Christian. Not a person young in the faith, no matter how talented, zealous or knowledgeable.

People outside the church speak well of him: Should not be vulnerable to gossip by non-Christians. Living an honorable life before all: family life, business life and community life.



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