Fair Oaks, CA

New Midweek Discussion Series: “For the Health of the Nation”

Thursday, September 19, our midweek Forum is beginning an 8-week series called “For the Health of the Nation.” We’re using a series of videos produced by the National Association of Evangelicals. These videos aren’t intended to draw anyone to the political right or left, but to examine what Scripture says about key issues facing us today, and how we should respond to these kinds of controversies faithfully as followers of Christ. We’ll begin each week by viewing together a 10-12 minute video, and then spend the rest of our time discussing the issue for that week.

Here are the subjects we’ll be covering:

  • Preserving Human Rights
  • Protecting Religious Freedom & Liberty of Conscience
  • Pursuing Racial Justice & Reconciliation
  • Seeking Justice & Compassion for the Poor
  • Promoting Just Peace & Restraining Violence
  • Safeguarding the Nature & Sanctity of Human Life
  • Strengthening Marriage, Families & Children
  • Caring for God’s Creation

We’ll meet via Zoom on Thursday evenings, 6:30-8:00 (Pacific). We’ll begin and end promptly each week, so no one has to worry about the group going too long.


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