Citrus Heights, CA

Hurricane Harvey Response

EFCA ReachGlobal Crisis Response is uniquely positioned to bring the hope of Christ following Hurricane Harvey.


The full extent of Hurricane Harvey’s impact on families and communities served by local EFCA churches across the Texas coastline is still unknown. Our goal is to raise $1 million for initial response efforts.

Early assessments show almost every EFCA church in the Houston region (15 total) has families flooded out of homes, and significant damage in the communities in which they serve.

Getting into Houston is currently impossible, with many roads closed and flood waters rising, but EFCA ReachGlobal Crisis Response has staff starting clean-up efforts in the Corpus Christi area alongside Bayshore Bible Church (EFCA), and are coordinating response efforts with EFCA Texas-Oklahoma District Superintendent Bob Rowley.

Based on Crisis Response’s experience with such a major event, ministry outreach opportunities for churches in the Houston area will last for years. We are asking individuals and EFCA churches from across the country to consider coming alongside churches in the affected region and the district for the long term.

While we are currently engaged in the process of assessment and initial clean up, communications with impacted EFCA churches lead us to stress the need for a long-term, sustained response to address those affected and that result in gospel outreach and intentional disciplemaking.

Every gift helps with ongoing crisis response ministry, but here are some very practical and specific amounts to prayerfully consider:

  • $75 = Tools and safety gear to outfit a gutting team
  • $100 = A clean-up kit to serve a flooded family
  • $150 = Replacement of a family’s bedding
  • $300 = A kit to help a flooded refugee family restart
  • $750 = Flood repairs for a room for a family
  • $1,500 = Sheetrock and related supplies for a partially flooded home
  • $2,500 = A month’s support for an outreach worker
  • $7,500 = Repairs to a partially damaged home
  • $20,000 = Materials for complete restoration of a family’s flooded home.

You can give here (select Hurricane Harvey Response):

or directly to ReachGlobal Crisis Response.


For peace and provision for the many families experiencing flooding who attend EFCA churches in the Houston area, as well as friends and neighbors.

For local EFCA recovery and gospel outreach efforts to reach the hurting and the lost.

For effective service and outreach opportunities to the city’s many immigrants and refugees, as Houston is the most racially and ethnically diverse city of the 10 largest U.S. metropolitan areas.

For the Church across the country to mobilize people and resources for a sustained, long-term response.


Organize a team to serve affected families and invest in relationships to impact Houston and the surrounding area with the gospel. With the current flooding and damage to infrastructure, teams of limited size will be accepted for the week beginning Sunday, September 17. Email for more information.

This will be a long and involved response. Crisis Response is looking for individuals interested in joining our team as staff for the longer term. Email to learn more about these opportunities.

The mission of ReachGlobal Crisis Response

We exist to develop, empower and release the Body of Christ to share His love in times of crisis for multiplying transformational churches among all people.

To advance this mission, ReachGlobal Crisis Response seeks to aid in the development and transformation of:

Local churches as they will be in the community long after the crisis ends.

Homeowners in the affected areas, who can then transform their neighborhoods.

Volunteers as they take what they have learned home to affect their own churches and communities with the gospel message.

To learn more, please click here.


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