Citrus Heights, CA

And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.

Colossians 2:6-7

We seek to foster a culture of ongoing discipleship and are committed to providing opportunities for genuine learning and spiritual growth for every age and level of spiritual maturity — from young children or non-Christian seekers to experienced believers who are biblically knowledgeable — and everyone in between. Every Christian should be continually growing as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Many of our best times helping each other grow and mature spiritually happen while we’re just hanging out and sharing our lives together. In addition to this informal, relational discipleship, we have regularly scheduled times of study, learning and discussion:

Sunday Service

Our local church community gathers every Sunday evening at 5:30 to worship God together, pray for one another and help each other grow spiritually as faithful followers of Jesus Christ. (See below for our meeting location.) A key aspect of our Sunday service is in-depth study through books of the Bible. This is an interactive study where anyone can raise their hand and ask a question or respond to questions asked by the teacher!

Online Study

Each week, we provide an online opportunity for those who can’t attend our local Sunday evening service to still study and grow with us. Our online study covers the same biblical passages we study in our local Sunday evening service, and it, too, is interactive. Even online you can raise your hand, ask a question or respond to questions asked by the teacher! This online study includes people from many different places geographically. We meet online Saturdays at 8 am Pacific (11 am Eastern). If you’d like to join our online study, let us know.


We are eagerly working on re-implementing our weekly children’s ministry. This is a top priority for us, and if you’re interested in being part of this incredibly important ministry, please let us know. (Everyone involved in children’s ministry must first complete mandatory training and an appropriate screening process.)

Leadership Training

We provide leadership training classes for church leaders and prospective leaders. If you’re interested in becoming more involved in church leadership, please see our Training Opportunities page or contact Curt Parton.

Welcome to The Orchard

At various times during the year, we offer a four-week Welcome to The Orchard group for those new to the church. If you’ve recently become part of our church family, we’d love to share with you more about our core beliefs and our DNA as a church community.

For information on any of our studies or groups, feel free to contact our church office.