Citrus Heights, CA

We are a church community made up of very different people from varying backgrounds who come together in common worship of Jesus Christ and reliance on the Scriptures. We gather together in two different ways: We meet locally on Sunday evenings to worship God together, pray for one another and study the Scriptures together. We also provide a weekly online study (covering the same Scripture passages) for those who can’t attend our local Sunday evening service.

All of our studies and groups — whether local or online — are interactive. We invite you to raise your hand and ask a question during our study time, and feel free to respond openly to questions posed by our teachers! Our desire is to study the Bible deeply and meaningfully, and then to faithfully live out what we’ve learned. We’re not particularly traditional or trendy — we strive to just be faithful followers of Jesus Christ. We welcome you to explore this website and get a sense of who we are. You might begin with the links below. If you have any questions, please let us know!

What we believe

Our church DNA

More on our church service and studies