Citrus Heights, CA

Posts from 2020

New Forum Series – “Exploring Hell”

Our next Forum series, “Exploring Hell,” will begin Sunday, November 22. In this series we’ll search out what we can know from Scripture regarding hell, and what comes to us from tradition. We’ll also examine different views that Christians have historically held about hell. In this study series, we’ll be using a book, and reading will be required each week. Our Forum…

Pray for the Homeless with Us Online

Do you want to help the homeless but don’t know how? Are you limited with your time but would like to make a difference?  Our multi-church prayer group, The Orchard Prays, is meeting on Tuesday, October 20, 2020 from 7pm – 8:30pm via Zoom to pray for the homeless in Sacramento with the team from Carmichael HART (Carmichael Homeless Assistance Resource Team). …

“Be the Bridge” – New Forum Series on Racial Justice and Reconciliation

Our nation has been experiencing great unrest in the last few weeks that’s been precipitated by the unjust killing of African-Americans by police officers. This has resulted in a large number of peaceful protests and also, in certain places, riots and looting. While we pray for an immediate end to violence and destruction of property, we don’t want to slip back into…

Pastoral Team Addition Greg Smit has been appointed to serve The Orchard as part of our pastoral team. Greg is a true brother and has shown great dedication in lovingly serving our church family. This addition expands our pastoral team to three pastors. That excites us because it helps us better realize the team pastoral leadership of the church we believe Scripture teaches us…

Qualifications for Pastors

Since our church body is considering adding another pastor to our pastoral team, it might be helpful for us to post these qualifications for the elders or pastors, who shepherd the whole church, compiled from 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9: Desire to serve: The desire to serve by shepherding or pastoring the church is an honorable one from God (see 1…

What Do the Pastors Do?

Our church is led by our pastoral team. As the name indicates, these pastors lead the church as a team, with no team member being designated the Senior or Lead Pastor over the rest of the team. (To see more about why we’re committed to this kind of leadership structure, click here.) So, if the church isn’t led by one pastor but…

Proposed Addition to Pastoral Team

Greg Smit has been serving as the ministry leader for our care ministries. He’s also been meeting for some time with the pastoral team. At our congregational meeting last Saturday night (Feb 15), the pastors presented Greg for the congregation to prayerfully consider as an addition to our pastoral team. We’ll take 4 weeks to pray together about this as a church…